Adrian Lahoud: Complex Scale

Adrian Lahoud: Complex Scale

Complex Scale: Within architecture the idea of scale has a relatively stable meaning typically referring to size, proportion or some form of spatial regularity. This is contrast to the vigorous reconceptualisation of scale taking place in geographical disciplines, where for the last 30 years scale became one its most contested terms. This seminar will introduce students to key moments within the history of scalar thinking and suggest that scale is one of the most critical intellectual and practical concepts for engaging with complex environments.

May 22 – 10am @ CRA – RHB 312 Goldsmihts Main Building — all welcome

Adrian Lahoud is an architect, urban designer and researcher. Through private practice, teaching and research, he explores the disputed, conflicting and often paradoxical transformations of cities.

In 2010 he edited a special issue of Architectural Design titled Post-traumatic Urbanism. Forthcoming in 2012 is Project for a Mediterranean Union on speculative transport, energy and media infrastructure in North Africa and the Middle East. His architectural work has been featured in the Wall Street Journal and USA Today. In 2011, his work was exhibited at the Prague Quadrennial, Gwangju Design Biennale Seoul curated by Ai Weiwei. His theoretical research work, The Life of Forms in the City explores the problem of scale and complexity in architecture and the city. In 2012 he will be Guest Curator for the Think Space Competition Cycle – Past Forward.


This entry was posted on Tuesday, May 1st, 2012 at 12:53 am
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